Dry ice blasting closeup
Dry ice, solid carbon dioxide (CO2), is indispensable in various commercial sectors.

From Industrial Cleaning to Entertainment and Preservation

Its primary application lies in industrial blast cleaning, efficiently removing contaminants without abrasion.

Additionally, it's used in entertainment for special effects, preserving perishables during shipping, and as a coolant in medical and scientific research. Dry ice's versatility extends to culinary uses like flash freezing and carbonating beverages.

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Dry ice blasting is employed to clean air pollution control equipment, such as electrostatic precipitators and baghouses.
Dry ice blasting is utilized for the safe and effective removal of asbestos and lead-based paint from buildings and structures.
Dry ice is favored for cleaning and degreasing surfaces due to its non-abrasive nature and ability to sublimate, leaving no residue.
Dry ice is used to maintain low temperatures in refrigerated storage units for biological waste.
Dry ice is ideal for cold traps in laboratories due to its ability to maintain ultra-low temperatures without needing complex refrigeration.
Dry ice blasting is effective, residue-free, and eco-friendly for industrial cleaning, preserving surfaces and the environment.
Dry ice adds mesmerizing special effects to entertainment, from eerie fog to dramatic smoke, enhancing the atmosphere like magic!
Dry ice blasting can be employed to clean up environmental spills, including oil and chemical spills.
Dry ice is used for flash freezing of food products because of its extremely low temperature, which allows for rapid cooling.
Dry ice is effective in grain storage for pest control as it displaces oxygen, suffocating pests, without leaving harmful residues.
Dry ice is used to enrich greenhouse atmospheres with carbon dioxide, stimulating plant growth and improving crop productivity.
Dry ice is utilized to solidify hazardous waste materials for safe transportation and disposal.
Dry ice is employed to control landfill gas emissions by injecting carbon dioxide into landfills.
Dry ice is used to neutralize odors in waste management facilities, such as composting sites and transfer stations.
Dry ice blasting is utilized in the restoration of historic buildings and monuments to remove dirt, graffiti, and pollutants from surfaces.
Dry ice blasting can be used to remove contaminants, such as oils, paints, and chemicals, from soil and surfaces.
Dry ice preserves biological samples during transport, vital for accurate analysis in healthcare and research.
Dry ice is indispensable for transportation, ensuring perishable goods stay fresh during transit.
Dry ice blasting can be utilized for the sterilization of waste containers, equipment, and surfaces in waste management facilities.
Dry ice is used in water treatment processes to control algae, bacteria, and odors in lakes, reservoirs, and wastewater treatment plants.
Dry ice blasting is employed for the non-toxic and environmentally friendly removal of weeds in agricultural fields.
Dry Ice Solutions Inc.

Dry Ice Solutions serves as the primary bulk dry ice supplier for diverse industries across Central Ontario, spanning from Toronto to Ottawa and beyond, with production facilities located in Northumberland County.

Order Bulk Dry Ice (289) 251-2296

SZB Blasting and Coatings

SZB Blasting and Coatings provides a wide range of commercial and industrial blast cleaning services, including both in-shop and mobile options like sandblasting and dry ice blasting.

Dry Ice Blasting (905) 396-4151